About Life Insurance

What is Life Insurance?

Life Insurance is an assurance of financial cover to a beneficiary upon the death of the insurance holder or after a maturity period. This arrangement is entered through a legally binding contract between an insurance policy seller or provider and an insurance policyholder. The recipient appoints a beneficiary who will receive an insured financial aid after the death of the insurance holder. The insured amount is compiled over time by the policyholder through recurring monthly premium payments.

A life insurance is a formidable financial cushion necessary for all. While it offers security to a family with a single breadwinner, it also helps individuals secure their life, especially post retirement. This is because a life insurance can be claimed by the insured even after it reaches maturity. It, therefore, promises a financially secured future, irrespective of anyone’s marital status, job or business stability.

Benefits And Types of a Life Insurance Policy

With an insurance policy, you can actually leave out much of your finance-related stress to the insurance company. A policy will give you an opportunity to leave your family members with much-needed future financial security. With many types of life insurance policies, it is possible to find something that can also become an investment. Here are some of the major benefits of owning a life insurance policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Life insurance is an extremely important financial tool for anyone who is the sole breadwinner of their family. A father, a mother, an entrepreneur, and even a young person who started working but has a student loan can consider life insurance. The main purpose of life insurance is to provide a financial cushion for your family in case of your demise.
When it comes to considering whether or not you need life insurance, marital status isn’t something you should regard. The fact that there could be dependent parents, student loans, mortgages, etc. can also become a reason to consider an insurance policy.
Insurance is an agreement between a company and an individual where the individual pays the company a regular payment in return for an assurance of the complete amount repayment after a death or expiration of the maturity period. The individual has to nominate a receiver for the insurance amount.
Out of the many possibilities, there are some red flags when it comes to insurance claims. These are death by suicide, death by murder (if the holder is involved in any criminal activities), death by drug overdose or under the influence of alcohol consumption, death due to pregnancy complications and death due to a natural calamity.
Out of the many possibilities, there are some red flags when it comes to insurance claims. These are death by suicide, death by murder (if the holder is involved in any criminal activities), death by drug overdose or under the influence of alcohol consumption, death due to pregnancy complications and death due to a natural calamity.
Life insurance premiums increase with age due to the fact that the life expectancy of humans is more or less the same. So, the older one gets the costlier the premium will be. For example, a person in his/her 20s may get a premium lesser than a person in his/her 40s.
Anyone with a whole life insurance policy will be eligible for an insurance cover till 100 years of age. One can make the premium principal amount till it is completely paid. However, for taking a new insurance policy, the age limit is generally accepted to be around 65 years. At the age of 65, one can opt for a term policy or even a whole life policy.

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